3 & 4 Year Old Play & Language Group – Thursdays
Thursday’s – January 13 – March 17 from 10:30am to 12:00pm (max 4 kids) – Cost $500.00
Pathways Intensive Preliteracy Programs
Designed by our Speech-Language Pathologists to support early literacy
Play and language group sessions are run by Speech Language Assistants and/or Speech Language Pathologists with extensive experience. A small group of preschoolers will be engaged through various literature activities and play scenarios to enhance their speech language development, play and socialization skills.
The children will have fun learning and interacting with similar aged peers as they listen to stories, engage in dramatic play and participate in movement activities. These activities are designed to improve communication, attention, emotional regulation, play skills and social interaction.
Eligibility: Children must be able to say a minimum of 20 words (word approximations accepted, please call if you have eligibility concerns), follow simple routine directions and be able to sit and attend to a story for approximately 5 minutes.
Led by Speech-Language Pathologists & Speech-Language Assistants