Speech and Language Pathology

Pathways Pediatric Services Speech Language Pathology programs feature highly trained professional Pathologists with Master’s Degrees. A Speech Language Pathologist assesses, treats and helps with the prevention of communication disorders in infants, children and adults. Our Pathologists are registered with the Alberta College of Speech Language Pathology and Audiology (ACSLPA).


The hourly rate for Services including assessment, therapy, consultation, therapist preparation and meeting time is $165.00 per hour. Group discounts may apply. Please contact us for more information.

At Pathways Pediatric Services, we offer services to children in the following areas:

  • Screening
  • Speech and Language Assessment
  • Speech Therapy
  • Language Therapy
  • Fluency Therapy
  • Voice Therapy
  • Social Skills Therapy
  • Prevention
  • Parent Training
  • Educator Training
  • Literacy (Phonemic Awareness)

We work with children with Autism, ADHD, apraxia, articulation delays, brain injury, fluency disorders, learning disabilities, language delays, motor speech delays, phonological delays, social communication delays, voice disorders, etc.

Speech and Language Checklist

Children learn communication skills at certain ages by listening to you talk. Your child should be doing the skills listed below by the time they have reached a certain age. Go to the age closest to your child’s age and read the items. Place a checkmark beside the items that your child is doing.

Make several vowel sounds (e.g. ooh, aah, ee).
Imitate some sounds (like coughing).
Make silly sounds with their mouth like “raspberries”.
Reach for, hold and put toys in their mouth.
Cry to an angry voice and smile to a pleasant voice.
Enjoy games like “peek-a-boo” and tickling.
Turn toward you when you speak.

Use sounds or gestures to let you know what they want (e.g. Reaches out to be picked up).
Babble like “mamama” or “bababa”.
Take turns with you making sounds back and forth.
Use a singsong voice while playing alone.
Respond to their own name.
Understand “no”.

Make many different sounds together, as though really talking.
Imitate or use sounds you make, like “Wee!” or “Oh-oh”.
Imitate or use gestures like waving “bye-bye”.
Say 3-5 words like “mama”, “dada” and “doo” for “juice”.
Follow simple instructions, like, “Sit down” or “Come here”.
Understand some words with gestures like “Give me “Plus” your extended hand
Bring you toys to show you and/or to play with you.

Use 20 or more words (e.g. “no”, “ba” for “ball”, “more”, “up”).
Use more new words every week.
Begin to put 2 words together (e.g. “What’s that?” “No juice”)
Answer “What’s this?” questions with true words like “car”, “dog”, or “book”.
Make these sounds: p, b, m, n, d, g.
Understand more words than they can say.
Follow simple instructions given without gestures (e.g. “Show me the book.” and “Give me the shoe”).
Point to three body parts (e.g. eyes, nose, and mouth).
Use toys for pretend play (e.g. uses a block as a car).

Use 150-300 different words.
Use 2 pronouns (e.g. I, me, you).
Use two-word combinations most of the time. (e.g. “me go” or “more cookie” or “Daddy car”).
Speak clearly enough to be understood about 2/3 of the time.
Point to familiar actions/activities in pictures (e.g. sleeping, eating).
Follow directions to put objects “on”, “off” or “in”.
Choose among common objects when asked, like “Find the comb”.

Use at least 450 different words.
Begin to use verbs with “ing” endings (e.g. eating).
Say their first name when asked.
Answer questions like “Where is Teddy?” and “What is Mommy doing?”.
Use sentences of up to 3 words combining nouns and verbs (e.g. Daddy go car).
Put sounds at the beginning of most words.
Understand concepts such as “big” and “little”.
Begin to point to objects from a group by their function and parts (e.g. “Which one has wheels?” “Which one can we eat?”.

Use 900 to 1000 different words.
Use sentences for 3 or more words.
Ask questions like “Who”, “Where”, “Why”?
Talk about things that happened in the past.
Tell a simple story.
Speak clearly enough for people outside the family to understand most of the time.
Put sounds at the beginning and end of most words.
Follow 2-part directions like “Go to the kitchen and get your hat”, without gestures.

Use 4-5 word sentences that have adult like grammar.
Tell a story that is easy to follow, with a beginning, middle and end.
Predict what might happen next in a new story.
Give first and last name, gender, and age.
Use most consonant and vowel sounds correctly.
Speak clearly enough to be understood by people outside the family all of the time.
Follow 3-part directions like “Get your boots, put them on, and wait at the door”.

If there are one or more behaviours not checked off or if you are concerned that your child is stuttering or has a persistent hoarse quality to his or her voice, you may want to have your child assessed by a Speech- Language Pathologist (SLP).

Occupational Therapy

Pathways Pediatric Services Occupational Therapy programs feature highly trained Therapists with either a Bachelor’s degree or a Master’s degree. Occupational Therapists assist children and adults with daily functioning, mobility, fine motor, gross motor and sensory regulation skills. Our Occupational Therapists are registered with the Alberta College of Occupational Therapists (ACOT).

At Pathways Pediatric Services in Calgary, Alberta, we offer services to children in the following areas:

  • Screening
  • Assessment
  • Therapy
  • Prevention
  • Parent Training
  • Educator Training

We work with children with fine motor delays, gross motor delays, learning difficulties, Autism, Developmental Coordination Disorder, Sensory Processing Disorder, etc.

Find your child’s age and refer to the corresponding checklist. Use the checklist as a guideline to see what skills your child should be showing you at their stage of development.  The checklist may also be helpful to indicate what skills you can be exposing them to at home. 

Two year old students typically can: 

 Pick up small objects (e.g. a cheerio) using thumb and first finger

 Manipulate playdough and show interest in sensory play

 Hold crayons with their whole hand to scribble

 Snip paper using scissors

 Participate with dressing activities and remove their jacket

 Put on a hat and slip on shoes

Three year old students typically can: 

 Copy a vertical line (|), a horizontal line (-), and a circle

 Cut across a page using scissors

 Eat independently with a fork and spoon (while still developing skill)

 Use the toilet with minimal assistance (e.g. to wipe)

 Manage lower body dressing skills with minimal assistance 

 String large beads 

 Turn pages in a book  

Four year old students typically can:

  Hold a crayon with their thumb and first two fingers

  Colour with parallel strokes and show a good effort to fill in white spaces

  Show emerging drawing skills (e.g. to draw a picture of themselves)

  Use two hands together cooperatively (e.g. to use large LEGO bricks)

  Use scissors to cut out a square

  Dress and undress on their own (assistance with buttons and zippers)

  Sit and pay attention to a lesson for at least 10 minutes

If your student struggles with any of these skills, consider a referral for an Occupational Therapy screen.


The hourly rate for Services including assessment, therapy, consultation, therapist preparation and meeting time is $165.00 per hour. Group discounts may apply. Please contact us for more information.