I would like to register for (Control-click or Command-click to select multiple programs):
Name of person completing form:
Referred by:
Child's name:
Date of Birth:
Parent/Guardian Name(s):
Phone 1:
Phone 2:
Full Address:
Emergency Contact:
Emergency Contact Phone:
Alberta Health Care Number:
Doctor's Name:
Doctor's Phone:
Statement of Problem(s)/Concern(s):
Has the child been seen by a Speech-Language Pathologist or Occupational Therapist?: YesNo
If yes, please list date and findings:
Has the child been seen by other professionals?: YesNo
If yes, please list date and findings: ...
My child has an aide at school and/or home?: YesNo
If yes, is your child's aide able to attend camp?: YesNo
I consent to a Pathways team member contacting my child's teacher to obtain/release information: YesNo
If yes, please list teacher's name and contact information (email and phone): ...
Additional Information
Does your child have any allergies? : YesNo If yes, please describe:
Please use this space to comment on any other information you feel is important (e.g., medical information, toileting, dietary needs).
All below boxes must be checked to submit form.
By checking this box you are digitally signing this form and agree that the above information is true and complete to the best of your knowledge. I release Pathways Pediatric Services from any liability in connection with medical treatment and unavoidable accidents. Pathways Pediatric Services has my permission to use necessary medical measures in the event of an emergency. I consent to my child participating in group learning. I consent to my child receiving individual and/or group therapy by a Pathways Speech-Language Pathologist, Occupational Therapist, Therapy Assistant or Student Clinician. I have read, understand and agree to the eligibility criteria (e.g., my child can sit and attend for a minimum of 5 minutes in a group setting).
I give Pathways Pediatric Services permission to utilize my child’s photograph or likeness in promotional materials. Names will not be published. YesNo
Payment must be made at the time of registration. E-transfer & cheques accepted. info@pathwayspediatrics.ca Thank you for your submission & have a fun day!